This is the final roll of film from the Seattle trip. It features more pictures from the party at Jeri's house, my mother's and my travels back to Pittsburgh, and then random stuff to use up the roll of film, including my super adorable cats and the green glasses.
This roll of film features mostly family stuff. A word to the non-Jews out there: The B'nai Mitzvah was held at a Conservative Synagogue, which meant no pictures anywhere inside -- not even in the social hall after the services. So if you were wondering about the lack of photos ... well, that's why.
Well, since both pghwob and lilostitch have expressed their concern that I haven't been updating my LJ much lately, I thought I'd sit down and write something for a change
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I don't know what to write. I don't know where to start. I don't know whether to lock this post, or whether to leave it open (and, if I do lock it, what filter to put it under
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